The number of websites on the worldwide web has increased dramatically and competition is very high. This means that designers must use increasingly sophisticated techniques to capture interest, as well as ensuring that an appropriate company image is presented. Usability issues, such as navigation methods, must be considered carefully. A poorly-designed structure could result in users becoming confused and navigating away from the website.
The need for good web designers and developers continues to grow as more and more companies realise they must develop a web presence and keep it maintained and updated. This unit covers the following content:
1. Understand web architecture and components
2. Understand the factors that influence website performance
3. Be able to design interactive websites
4. Be able to create interactive websites
The unit's assessment criteria can be downloaded from P: Drive. Students can have access to this drive when not in school by clicking this link Tong's Online Resources
The next post will include information about unit 1 and a hyperlink to the unit's class presentation and any handouts.